Project 2 - Score

Github Classroom Link

Project Description

In this project, we will be building upon Lab 5 to create a user interface for our API calls. The requirements for this project are fairly loose, be creative in designing your UI!

UI Requirements

Once you’ve passed all of the tests in Lab 5, accept the Github Classroom assignment linked above. The starter code for this project is the same as Lab 5, you should be able to copy and paste your Model.swift code from Lab 5 into the project.

Use a table view to display all NBA games on the current date. Each table view cell should contain the names of both teams as well as the current score. All of this data should already be retrieved by the API call in Model.swift.

Architecture Requirements

Use the controller-delegate pattern to set up interactions between your ViewController and Model. If you need a refresher on this pattern, take a look at the ToDo lab’s starter code.


This project will be due on Thursday, November 11 at 11:59 pm PST. As always, feel free to let us know if you have any questions or need an extension!