Lab 3 - Autolayout Constraints

Github Classrom Link

Setup and Background

After accepting the Github classroom asssignment and cloning your repository, you should have a folder named Snapchat-Login in your current directory. Open the folder and double-click the file named Snapchat-Login.xcodeproj to open the starter code in Xcode.

We will be building out the Snapchat login screen using autolayout constraints in this lab.

All of the UI elements in this lab have been created for you, complete the setupConstraints method to create the screen above.


We’ve added several constraints to the view already. The snapchatLogo view and the logInView view have already been constrained, while the profilePicture, usernameLabel, and removeAccountLabel have not. Your task is to finish constraining these views. Before submitting your lab, please make sure that you run your code on both a large screen and a small screen, to make sure that no elements are clipped.

As before, please commit and push to submit your lab assignment, and feel free to let us know if you have any questions or need an extension.