Lab 2 - Xcode and the View Lifecycle

Github Classroom Link

Setup and Background

After accepting the Github classroom asssignment and cloning your repository, you should have a folder named Lab2 in your current directory. Open the folder and double-click the file named Lab2.xcodeproj to open the starter code in Xcode.

There are two relevant files in this lab:


This file should be familiar, it contains the code laying out our user interface. Some of the syntax in this file may be unfamiliar to you at this point in the class, and that’s okay! We’ll go over it all by next lecture. If you do want a head-start on some this content, check out this page of our website or make a post on Piazza.


In the project navigator on the left side of your Xcode window, you should see a folder called Lab2UITests. Inside that folder, click on the file called Lab2UITests. This file contains the code for testing your lab’s correctness once you’ve finished. To run the tests in this file, simply click on the diamond next to line 10.

What’s Your Name?

Navigate back to ViewController.swift. You have two tasks to complete in this file:

  1. Add nameStack to the view. nameStack is a type of view called UIStackView, which allows us to group together several views and lay them out in a predictable fashion. We’ll go over stack views in more detail next class.
  2. Write a function to be called when enterButton is tapped & add a target to enterButton.

Once you’ve finished the lab, run the tests in Lab2UITests.swift. You should get immediate feedback on your implementation. When all the tests pass, commit your work to submit.

This lab is due on Monday, September 27 at 11:59 pm. As always, feel free to post on Piazza if you have any questions, or contact us if you need an extension!